MAS Introduction
MAS Introduction
MAS Limited is a company devoted to providing “overall services” for the ski industry, with its main business involving ski resort site selection, planning, construction design & supervision, ski resort consultant, etc. MAS has invented a theory for ski resort investment success, through quantified appraisal of mountain resources and feature tailored ski resort planning, to make the ski resort business profitable to the greatest extent. Due to its high expertise, today MAS Limited is a fully devoted company who make design and planning for new large ski resorts aiming for profitability and can theoretically justify the profitability of a ski resort project by data simulation of the ski resort operation.
Mr. Paul Bojarski, the founder of the MAS, has been working in ski resort master planning, construction and operation management since 1977, and has rich expertise. Under the leadership of Mr. Paul, MAS has participated in design and construction of over 200 ski resorts built around the world in more than 20 countries, such as: China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, India, USA, Canada, Argentina, Chile, Australia, UK, Sweden……
Since 1986 from his first attempt in the Chinese market, MAS Limited has determined to devote itself in Chinese ski industry. In order to get first-hand information of mountain resources for ski resort development, Mr. Paul, with his team members once left their foot prints behind on the biggest mountains in North China, including Mountains in Heilongjiang Province; for his great contribution Mr. Paul once was received by Mr. Song Fatang, the former Governor and Mr. Lu, the incumbent governor of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee, and was highly commended for his contribution.

Paul Bojarski, a “mountain hunter” people in the trade called him such

Group Photo with Mr. Song Fatang and Mr. Tianyuan

Peter Working in Field for Mountain Search